Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc. (COCO) is excited to announce the Spring 2021 Action, Implementation and Mitigation (AIM) grant recipients. Eight organizations from five states were awarded $378,793.20 to build and develop their mitigation capacity.
AIM grants are now distributed over 14 states, with the addition of a new Utah awardee, Woodland Hills Fire Department.
The grant funding will increase local capacity by: funding a Tribal crew to create defensible space on low income properties, expanding a firewise program to an additional county, training fire personnel to utilize a wildfire risk assessment program, hiring new mitigation personnel to address a backlog of home assessments, and supporting existing personnel to increase partnerships and local relationships.

To learn more about awardees and their accomplishments please explore our interactive StoryMap!
The AIM Program is co-sponsored by the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.
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