Mitigation Mentors
Creating a network of mentors that help organizations to overcome wildland fire risk reduction barriers.
About MM
Are you trying to build capacity within your organization? Do you have a mitigation project that is hitting roadblocks? Do you need assistance planning, implementing or reporting a project? The Mitigation Mentor Program can match you to a professional with real world experience to assist your organization, or neighborhood, increase mitigation activities in your area.
Wildfire risk reduction activities are not easy and require passion and skill. When we first started developing the wildfire risk reduction programs at the Coalition for the Upper South we faced a steep learning curve. We made mistakes and learned hard lessons. If only we had someone to guide us through the work and steer us away from pitfalls. Someone that could have shared what works and what does not, someone who shared Mitigation Best Practices. The Mitigation Mentors Program is based on this simple idea; share mitigation best practices and provide critical support as you embark on your risk reduction journeys.
The MM mission is to provide one-on-one mentorship to increase wildland fire mitigation, increase organizational capacity, improve community resilience, protect ecosystem health, and support wildland fire adaption.
Any organization working on mitigation projects across land ownerships. The Mitigation Mentors Program is not geared to individual homeowner organizations or neighborhoods.
If accepted into the program, we expect open minds, willingness to make program adjustments, and participation in scheduled webinars, calls and mentor sessions. Each mentorship plan is sculpted to the unique needs of your community, mitigation goals, objectives and challenges.
A Mitigation Mentor will reach out to you and work with you to develop a mentorship plan that will best benefit your organization. The cadre of Mitigation Mentors include subject matter experts from nonprofits, fire departments, the private sector and utilities.
Mentorship activities include but are not limited to:
- Assisting with organizational structure
- Developing nonprofits; supporting mission, vision, goals and objectives
- Strategic planning
- Wildfire risk prioritization
- Limited risk analysis and mapping
- Grant application review
- Motivating residents to take action
- Project design, implementation and monitoring
- Project and program assessment
- Grant reporting
Asking for a mentor is simple and easy. Click to request mentorship HERE. After receiving your request, we will determine if we have a Mitigation Mentor who can assist you with your needs and if your need matches the intent of the program.

Your MM Contacts

Wendie grew up in the sprawling town of Mosca, Colorado, and has degrees in water quality and aviation from Salem University and Pikes Peak State College. She has almost 20 years of experience working in the field of natural resources; with much of her work focused on pre-wildfire mitigation, post-wildfire mitigation, water quality, and hydrology. She stays busy in her downtime juggling all of her many hobbies.

Katie was born and raised in Colorado and loves to explore the many different landscapes the state has to offer. She obtained her master’s degree in Conservation Leadership from Colorado State University, and she is passionate about finding solutions to the environmental problems we face in a collaborative and equitable way. She previously worked at the Center for Collaborative Conservation, based out of CSU’s Warner College of Natural Resources as the Special Projects Coordinator.

Michaele has earned a B.A. in Liberal Studies with a Non-profit Organization Management Certificate from Central Washington University. This education pathway augments her valuable work experience in grant coordination and implementation with two land-grant universities. While serving the State of Tennessee as a Wildfire Mitigation Contractor, Michaele brought a unique passion and inspiration to communities working to reduce wildfire risk. Building capacity through strategic collaboration is one of her greatest assets, and she realizes the value of activated partnerships for effective conservation. Michaele works remotely from the beautiful hills of East Tennessee. Her free time usually involves an outdoor adventure in the mountains with her family.